Sexual assault on a student., Fake NCC camps., District Collector explains.!

Krishnagiri Collector Sarayu press meet about School girl Sexual Harassment Issue

Krishnagiri: Krishnagiri District Collector KM Sarayu told the media about the details of the investigation into the incident of sexual assault of a schoolgirl in a fake NCC camp.

About 17 schoolgirls participated in a mock NCC camp held recently in a private school operating in Krishnagiri district. A 13-year-old school girl who participated in this camp was sexually assaulted by a fake NCC trainer.

The police have registered a case in the POCSO department in the name of this sexual assault complaint and have so far arrested more than 10 people. Krishnagiri police arrested the main accused in the case, Sivaraman, a former administrator of Naam Tamilar Party, last night.

Description of NCC :

The NCC leadership has now clarified that no camp was held on behalf of the NCC in the school where the alleged sexual assault took place. No NCC camp was held in Krishnagiri on the specified day. NCC leadership has clarified that NCC has nothing to do with this incident of sexual assault.

Collector press conference:

Krishnagiri District Collector K.M.Sarayu has given an explanation to the media regarding the issue of sexual assault of a schoolgirl. It said, “The investigation is currently underway. We have taken action after receiving the complaint. We have also arrested people who tried to cover up this complaint. A case has been registered in the POCSO department and 9 people have been arrested till yesterday. Today, 3 people including the main culprit (Sivaraman) have been arrested.

They have been conducting NCC camps with fake certificates. We are investigating in which schools they are conducting camps. The concerned school management allowed those fake NCC persons to conduct the camp without background check. The school management did not properly follow any rules laid down by the school education department.

We are also inquiring with other students and their parents who attended the same camp. In case of such incidents, the government helpline number 1098 should be called immediately.” District Collector told reporters.