Smoking room.. Traffic police.. Driver.. Lung cancer risk list is so perusal.. Read what experts say..!

World Lung Cancer Day 2024. World Lung Cancer Day is celebrated on 1st August every year. The day is celebrated to spread awareness about lung cancer and support those affected by the disease. The theme of World Lung Cancer Day 2024 is “Stronger Together: United for Lung Cancer Awareness.” Who is at risk for lung cancer this World Lung Cancer Day? Lung cancer specialist Dr. explains how to avoid it. Duraimanavalan. SIMS Hospital.

What is lung cancer?

Lung cancer is a condition caused by uncontrolled cell division in your lungs. In this case, cells divide and reproduce themselves when they deviate from their normal state. Damaged cells divide uncontrollably to form masses or lumps of tissue. This eventually prevents the organs from working properly.

Lung cancer is the name given to cancers that start in the lungs, but also in the airways, or bronchioles, or small air sacs called alveoli. It starts from places like and goes to the lungs.

The link between lung cancer and smoking

We all know that smokers are at risk of developing lung cancer. But it doesn’t just affect smokers. This can be said in three ways.

firsthand smoking – i.e. smokers. The effects they have.
Secondhand Smoking – People around smokers. They can be friends. Family members may be nearby. People who are near people who smoke outdoors.
Thirdhand Smoking – When smokers pass away, the toxins from the smoke settle on the walls and paint. The World Health Organization has advised that people who visit the area may develop cancer if they breathe in there. This is something to be very careful about.

How to avoid cancer risk from smokers?

Smokers should be aware of this vulnerability. Do not smoke at least at home and outside where other people are present.
No smoking in public places is strictly followed after World Health Organization recommendations. Especially hostels also follow this strictly. These are more serious and banning smoking in public places will reduce the risk.

Air pollution causes lung cancer

Five years ago, the World Health Organization warned that air pollution was on par with the risk of smoking. This is particularly the case for people living in areas with air pollution. In these too
People who work near petroleum products such as petrol, diesel, kerosene, etc., and the fumes that come out when they are burned, all pose a risk similar to smoking.

Workers at risk of lung cancer

Many people are at risk of this cancer because of work. For example, people in the automobile industry who work all day without wearing a face mask can be exposed to the air they breathe.
Both bus drivers and conductors are at risk of this cancer when they inhale diesel fumes while on the job throughout the day.
Long exposure to public places like traffic police, road cleaners, always on two wheelers can cause this lung cancer.
Apart from these, lung cancer can be hereditary.

What can people at risk of lung cancer do?

When Corona came, we all wore masks. In fact these are very, very good deterrents. Wearing a mask by everyone who is at risk can help prevent the risk.

traffic police,
Bus workers
Petrol station staff
roadside workers
Factory workers
Automobile Workers

Wearing a mask alone can greatly reduce this risk. At the same time, reducing the working hours or taking breaks without stopping for long periods of time will reduce the risk to some extent.

If you are at this risk
If you have a cough for more than two weeks, you should consult a doctor.