Vitamins A, B, K, E etc. can be obtained from many foods. But vitamin D is not. Foods that contain vitamin D are very, very low. You can also get vitamin D from sunlight. That is why vitamin D is called the sun vitamin. When its levels are very low, the body exhibits the following symptoms.
These 7 Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency in Women…Be Alert!
Severe fatigue
Vitamin D boosts the body’s energy and helps improve the body’s metabolism.
Therefore, when there is a deficiency of vitamin D, there is a feeling of fatigue, lack of motivation and lack of energy in the body.
Mood swings
We tend to think that mood swings occur only during women’s periods and childbirth.
But this problem also occurs when the body lacks nutrients. Vitamin D deficiency in women can also cause problems including mood swings and depression.
Wound healing
Diabetic patients usually get minor injuries that do not heal well. We know the days will be long.
But even when women are vitamin D deficient, any wounds that do occur take longer to heal. Six is six.
Hair loss
Hair fall problem can be caused due to various reasons starting from poor hair care.
In that way, even if there is a lack of vitamin D in the body, more body shedding will occur. In addition, the thick hair becomes thinner and becomes like a rat’s tail.
Urinary tract infection
Women are more likely to get urinary tract infections than men. There are many reasons for that.
But vitamin D deficiency also increases the risk of urinary tract infections in women.
Gestational diabetes
Pregnant women should avoid vitamin D deficiency.
When vitamin D deficiency occurs during pregnancy, it can cause gestational diabetes.