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This Abana stamp alone is enough! So many changes can happen inside the body!

Method of making Apana Mudra

This Abana stamp alone is enough!  So many changes can happen inside the body!-oneindia news

Sit in Padmasana and place both hands on both thighs.

Keep the tips of the thumb, middle finger and ring finger together.

Only the little finger and the index finger should be kept extended. In this position, inhale well and exhale slowly.

Take a deep breath and exhale. This exercise can be done daily for 15-20 minutes.

Abana Mudra Benefits Improves digestion

This Abana stamp alone is enough!  So many changes can happen inside the body!-oneindia news

Abana Mudra helps in regulating the digestive system,

Stimulates the downward energy flow of the body.

It can help the body to fully absorb the nutrients in the food we eat and improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Detox the body

This Abana stamp alone is enough!  So many changes can happen inside the body!-oneindia news

If you want to detoxify your body by removing toxins and waste, take detox drinks and medicines.

But by doing apana mudra daily we can detoxify and keep our body clean.

It has the ability to naturally remove toxins from the body. It especially cleanses the urinary tract. Helps maintain the urinary tract.

Balances emotions

This Abana stamp alone is enough!  So many changes can happen inside the body!-oneindia news

Abana mudra can improve not only physical health but also mental health.

Apana means downward moving energy.

It stimulates mental clarity and emotional states and keeps them balanced.

Reproductive health

This Abana stamp alone is enough!  So many changes can happen inside the body!-oneindia news

Abana Mudra improves reproductive health in both men and women. It helps to regulate the menstrual cycle in women.

Reduces menstrual cramps and improves overall reproductive function.

Increases energy levels

This Abana stamp alone is enough!  So many changes can happen inside the body!-oneindia news

Even if you do Abana Mudra daily, you can stimulate the body’s energy sources by increasing the time you do it each day.

Practicing Abana Mudra regularly can increase the energy level of the body. It fights fatigue. Increases vitality.

Reduces toxicity

This Abana stamp alone is enough!  So many changes can happen inside the body!-oneindia news

Stimulates liver and gallbladder function.

As you practice this asana continuously, the body’s stiffness will begin to decrease.

Removes toxins from the blood and prevents gallstones from forming.