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Try These 10 Home Remedies for Early Pneumonia Virus Fever! Reduce serious symptoms!

Pneumonia symptom

You may experience the following symptoms when you are infected with the Pneumonia virus. They are

persistent cough,
Difficulty breathing,
chest pain,
Some kind of pressure in the chest,
These symptoms will occur.

Reduce cough

Cough is the first symptom of viral fever and lung problems, including pneumonia.

Herbal water can be used to cure cough problem. Take a handful of mint, 2 lemon slices, 1 spoon of cumin, half a spoon of pepper, eucalyptus leaves etc. in 2 liters of hot water and put it in a clean white cloth and keep it in the hot water. Drinking this water throughout the day will reduce cough. It also cures colds.


Gargling with salt water is an excellent remedy for lung related problems to reduce phlegm, chest tightness, sore throat and clear germs in the throat and respiratory tract.

Mix a spoonful of salt in a glass of warm water and pour that water in your mouth and keep it for some time and gargle, the sores in the throat will heal. Pain will decrease.


In the time of our grandmothers, the first remedy they used for mild fever or problems like colds and coughs was decoction.

There are hundreds of infusions. They will make a decoction with herbal spices from their home. Most infusions contain ginger, pepper, cumin and basil.

These concoctions are soothing to the throat. Also, its anti-viral and other medicinal properties can reduce colds and flu. It reduces the discomfort caused by fever and instantly rejuvenates the body.

Drinking water

A severe fever may develop within a few days of infection with pneumonia. Keeping the body hydrated is very important to keep the body temperature stable.

Similarly cold water bath can be given to the body. Apply a clean white cloth on the forehead to lower the body temperature

Moringa leaf

Moringa leaves are rich in many powerful nutrients. Rich in vitamins and minerals, moringa is also rich in anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties.

Taking these in daily diet or as supplements can strengthen the immune system.

A spoonful of Moringa leaf powder mixed with a spoonful of honey and taken both morning and evening will strengthen the lungs.


Hot coffee is the best drink to get rid of lung diseases and colds.

Theophylline is prescribed for people suffering from colds and pneumonia. Studies indicate that black coffee also has many of those medicinal properties.

Drinking hot coffee opens up the airways in the lungs. This effect lasts for almost a few hours. So steady breathing helps.

Hot drinks

It is better to avoid taking too much solid food while suffering from pneumonia flu symptoms. Also, do not eat cold foods, always take warm foods only. It is best to have them as warm and liquid foods as possible.

Nut Curry Soup,
Hot Mushroom Soup,
Hot Chicken Soup,
ginger turmeric honey drink,
mint tea,
Orange and Ginger Tea,
Hot chocolate
hot black coffee,
warm almond milk,
green tea,

Any of these will be pleasant to the throat to drink with your favorite soft drinks. The mucus in the lungs begins to dissolve and clear. Pneumonia fever symptoms will also begin to subside.

Catching the spirit

Breathing is a very important remedy for lung related problems and all types of breathing related problems.

Add turmeric, lemon leaves, lemon peel, eucalyptus oil to boiling water and steam it to dissolve the mucus build up in the lungs.

In the rainy and cold season, the effects of colds, accumulation of mucus in the lungs, asthma and wheezing are severe.

By inhaling twice a day, the symptoms of pneumonia will begin to subside within a day or two.

Yellow tea:

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and helps protect the immune system.

Especially the anti-viral properties of turmeric can reduce chest pressure caused by excess mucus. Its anti-bacterial properties have the ability to attack and destroy disease-causing germs.

Turmeric tea is ready if you add a quarter spoon of turmeric powder to a cup of water, boil it well and filter it.

Drink this turmeric tea before going to bed at night to reduce chest cold and fever.

Ginger Tea:

Ginger is rich in anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. It reduces inflammations in the body. Reduces any kind of swelling and pain in the body.

When ginger is taken as a tea, the symptoms of flu will start to subside. Ginger tea is ready if one inch of ginger is boiled in boiling water. Drinking this ginger tea twice a day will start reducing the severity of fever.