When do people with depression get suicidal thoughts.. What are the symptoms like..?

Severe depression and stress can have serious consequences. Studies show that sometimes these even lead to suicide. Although depression is a normal condition, it can have serious consequences as it progresses. Frequent irritability, anger, mood swings are some of the symptoms of depression. It affects our daily life. It causes a rift in relationships. Let’s find out about it here.

Symptoms of severe depression!

Frequent irritability
lack of interest
Suicidal ideation
mental stress
Lack of hygiene

Reasons that can trigger suicidal ideation!

Stress and depression can trigger suicidal thoughts when they reach extreme levels. It keeps them from thinking about others. Again and again they are left with the idea that living in this world is unnecessary. Alcoholism and drug addiction during this time make the condition more serious. Having someone else in the family attempt suicide or have attempted suicide before, mental health problems, infidelity, etc. can trigger suicidal ideation.

Psychiatric symptoms

Mental health problems are more likely to occur when faced with chronic stress and depression. Suspicion and distrust of anyone are the main symptoms of this mental disorder. Imagining something that doesn’t exist and denying that it doesn’t exist are other symptoms.

Depression affecting young people!

Teenagers are more irritable when they are depressed. Its effects include lack of attachment to anything, worrying about anything, looking painful, not attending colleges or schools properly, engaging in bad activities, negative thoughts, sudden weight loss.

Depression that affects the elderly!

This depression does not spare the elderly either. Depression also has the potential to trigger suicidal thoughts. Common symptoms include thoughts of suddenly losing control, memory loss, fatigue, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, refusing to talk to anyone, and suicidal thoughts. Don’t forget that if you notice these symptoms while the elderly are at home, they need immediate advice.

When do you need medical advice?

If you or someone you know is suffering from major stress problems, it is very important to seek medical help. First of all tell your problem to your friends and trusted people. No problem is insurmountable. The solution to all problems is available to us only when we are open. So feel free to share your thoughts with someone close to you or doctors.

For those with suicidal thoughts!

If you or someone you know talks about suicide frequently, you should definitely keep an eye on them. Get them to medical attention immediately. They can talk to someone close to them about this. Get him involved in things he believes in. It should be made clear to them that suicide is not the solution to all problems. Especially those with such suicidal thoughts should not be left alone.