Home ஆரோக்கியம் World Vegetarian Day : Being a vegetarian can lead to nutritional deficiencies?...

World Vegetarian Day : Being a vegetarian can lead to nutritional deficiencies? who said

What is a vegetarian diet?

We refer to a vegetarian diet as one that includes foods other than meat derived from animals. That means it mostly includes foods that come from plants.

All milk and milk products derived from animals are included in this vegetarian category. Also, eggs are considered a vegetarian food in other parts of India except South India. That means anything other than meat is considered vegetarian.

What are the types of vegetarian?

We only know that vegetarian means a vegetarian diet. Apart from that the vegan diet method is known. But there are many varieties of vegetarian diet. Let’s see what they are.

Lacto Vegetarian – In addition to plant foods, only lactose-free foods like milk, curd, butter, and cheesy ghee are included in this summer. No meat or eggs are included.

OVO Vegetarian (OVO) – All the rules of lacto vegetarian apply to this. But only egg is allowed to be included in it considering it as vegetarian food.

Lacto-ovo vegetarian – Fish and meat types are not allowed in this vegetarian version. But eggs and milk and milk products are not included.

Pescatarian – It is a unique category among vegetarians. All types of meat including chicken are banned in this category. Milk, milk products and even eggs should not be exhausted in this, but only fish types will be included in this.

Vegan Diet – You must have heard a lot about the vegan diet. Only plant-based foods are included in this. Milk and milk products should also not be included in it. In addition, they do not even use products made from animal skins.

Benefits of Following a Vegetarian Diet

Weight Management – Vegetarians can lose weight faster and keep their weight under control than non-vegetarians. Because they are also low in calories, they can burn calories very easily and in large quantities.

Heart Health – Vegetarian foods are high in fiber and monounsaturated fatty acids, which keep blood pressure and cholesterol under control. This is important for improving heart health.

Cancer Risk – Studies have found that people who eat a lot of vegetarian food have a much lower risk of cancer than those who eat a vegetarian diet. In particular, processed meats are a major cause of cancer. That danger does not exist in vegetarian diets.

Blood Sugar Control – People who follow a vegetarian diet can easily keep their blood sugar levels under control. Vegetarian diets can help improve insulin sensitivity. Thus lifestyle changes can keep type 2 diabetes under control.

Gut Health – Fibers are very important for good intestinal health and proper functioning of the digestive system. Non-vegetarian foods are very low in fiber. But vegetarian foods are very high in fiber.

To increase vitamin B12 – Vitamin B12 helps maintain overall health. Vitamin B12 is essential for energy, nervous system and mental health, and is often found in vegetarian foods.

Foods to Eat for Vegetarians to Get Iron

There is a perception that vegetarians are the most likely to suffer from nutritional deficiencies. This is because they do not have the awareness to choose and eat the right food. Vegetarians can include the following foods in their daily diet to get adequate amounts of iron:

Beans including kidney beans, pulses, chickpeas,
Dried fruits including apricots,
whole grains,
Dark green vegetables including broccoli, spring onions,
Nuts and iron-fortified cereals,

should be taken.

Vegetarian foods rich in vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is essential for the body to grow and prevent cell damage. Vitamin B12 is most abundant in non-vegetarian foods. You may be able to avoid some vitamin B12 deficiency by eating the following foods if you are a vegetarian.

Enriched cereal varieties,
Vitamin D enriched soy products,

Include them in your daily diet.

Vegetarian Foods High in Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are the most abundant in fish. We know it can do many benefits, from heart health to skin health. But many people are concerned about how vegetarians can get these omega-3 fatty acids from their diet. Here are some vegetarian dishes for you.

chia seed,
olive oil,

It is high in Omega 3 fatty acids. Also, vegetarians who eat eggs can include eggs in their daily diet.

What to eat to get calcium and vitamin D

Both calcium and vitamin D are important nutrients for the development of teeth and bones. Vegetarians can get more of these two nutrients from the following foods.

Milk and milk products,
Enriched Yogurt,
fortified cereals,
dark green vegetables,
Tofu and soy products

can be obtained from Supplements can also be taken as per medical advice to meet vitamin D requirements.

Vegetarian foods are high in protein

Proteins are one of the most basic nutrients in our body. When we say we are vegetarians, the first accusation we make is this protein. Vegetarians do not get enough protein as non-vegetarians. It is needed for many basic things from muscle growth. It is said that vegetarians are the most affected by protein deficiency globally.

This is partly true. A day’s worth of protein is easily available to non-vegetarians. But vegetarians have a lot of food to choose from as the amount of protein in a meal is low. But there are plenty of vegan foods that are rich in protein. Check out some of them here.

Dairy products including Paneer,
All kinds of pulses,
Soy products including tofu, soy milk,
Varieties of beans including chickpeas, chickpeas,
Proteins are very high in them.

What food should vegetarians consume in a day and in what quantity?

Here is a daily food list for those who consume an average of 2000 calories per day…

Vegetables and greens – two and a half cups,
Fruits – 2 cups (If you have diabetes reduce the amount of fruits and increase the amount of vegetables),
Cereals – 200 grams,
Milk and milk products – 3 cups,
Proteins – 80 – 100 grams,
With fatty acids and oil – 27 g,

Vegetarians should take note

Salt and Sugar – Avoiding sugar is good for everyone. Salt should be taken only in moderation. A person should avoid taking more than 3-5 grams of salt per day.

Avoid eating only a certain food or a certain type of vegetable just because it is high in protein. It can cause many nutrient deficiencies. All kinds of minerals can be obtained by eating different, colorful vegetables and fruits.

There is also evidence that vegetarians tend to eat more fried and fried foods. It must be avoided. Similarly, baking foods, high in carbohydrates should also be avoided.

If you set up your diet like this, you can stay healthy without any nutritional deficiency.