35 flight services delayed at Chennai Airport

Chennai As many as 35 flights have been delayed due to continuous rain at the airport. A total of 35 flights including 17 arrival flights and 18 departure flights were delayed.

Also, there was heavy rain in the Chennai airport area. It was raining with lightning storms at dawn. Due to this, flight services at Chennai airport were affected even today. Air services were affected for the 2nd consecutive day today.

Due to the heavy rain in Chennai, a total of 35 flights including 18 flights departing from Chennai airport and 17 flights arriving at Chennai airport were affected.

Flights from Kolkata, Delhi, Bengaluru, Madurai, Trichy, Kozhikode, Goa and Hyderabad could not land. Air passengers suffered a lot due to this. However, flight services in Chennai are expected to return to normal by this evening.