7 important fruits that increase platelet count.. Eat one a day..!

Platelet health is important for blood clotting in the body. A low platelet count affects health in many ways. So care should be taken not to reduce the platelet count in the body. A healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help increase your platelet count. Generally, it is minerals like vitamin-C, iron and folate that promote platelet production. Eating naturally occurring fruits containing these minerals can increase platelet production. Now let’s see what such fruits are.

Papaya helps increase platelets

7 important fruits that increase platelet count.. Eat one a day..!-oneindia news

Papaya is the number one fruit for increasing platelet production. They are full of enzymes and nutrients that stimulate platelet production. Further On the papaya leaf Contains phytoconstituents that have anti-inflammatory properties and help with blood cell formation.

Eating 1 cup or 145 grams of papaya is said to provide 98% of the daily requirement of vitamin C.

Orange helps increase platelets

7 important fruits that increase platelet count.. Eat one a day..!-oneindia news

Orange is one of the fruits that are rich in vitamin C. A citrus fruit that stimulates platelet production. Oranges are high in folate or vitamin B9, which helps in the production of blood cells.

A large orange contains 55 micrograms of folate. This is 14% of the recommended daily intake of folate.

Kiwi helps increase platelets

7 important fruits that increase platelet count.. Eat one a day..!-oneindia news

Kiwi fruit is rich in vitamins and iron, which helps in increasing the platelet count in your body. Also this fruit is suitable for patients suffering from anemia, vitamin B deficiency and various viral infections. It is recommended to consume two kiwis daily to increase platelet count.

Mango helps increase platelets

7 important fruits that increase platelet count.. Eat one a day..!-oneindia news

It is the first fruit among the three fruits. Sweet and delicious, it is also everyone’s favorite fruit. There are those who welcome summer just for mangoes. One of the most available summer fruits, mangoes are considered a source of vitamin C. It contains vitamins and minerals that can increase platelets in the body.

One cup (165-gram) serving of mango provides 66% of the daily value of vitamin C.

Pineapple helps increase platelets

7 important fruits that increase platelet count.. Eat one a day..!-oneindia news

Pineapple is one of the fruits rich in Vitamin-C. Also, since pineapple is rich in anti-inflammatory properties, this fruit helps in the overall health of the body.

One cup of pineapple contains 88% of the daily requirement of vitamin C.

Pomegranate helps increase platelets

7 important fruits that increase platelet count.. Eat one a day..!-oneindia news

Pomegranate is the most important fruit rich in iron. It can be added frequently as it contains important antioxidants like flavonoids and polyphenols that the body needs. Pomegranate not only increases the number of platelets but also leads to their better functioning.

A daily serving of one cup of pomegranate pearls contains 32% of the daily vitamin C requirement.

Platelet increasing dry fruits

7 important fruits that increase platelet count.. Eat one a day..!-oneindia news

Raisins, figs and dates are rich in iron and other important nutrients. If you eat about 100 grams of this mixture, the body gets 3.5 mg of iron. However, since these also contain sugar, diabetics should not take them in excess. They can be taken in moderation with doctor’s advice.

Strawberries increase platelets

7 important fruits that increase platelet count.. Eat one a day..!-oneindia news

Strawberries are another fruit that is considered to be an excellent source of vitamin C. Everyone likes to eat this fruit, which is easily and cheaply available in berries.

100 grams of strawberries provide 67% of the daily requirement of vitamin C.

It is necessary for the body to function properly Vitamins And plan a balanced diet of mineral-rich fruits and green vegetables. These improve the overall health of the body beyond platelet health.