7 Myths About Skin Care And The Truth Behind Them!

We all want our skin to be smooth and healthy. For that, we will follow several home remedies and treatment methods. In our quest for such flawless skin, we believe in many myths.

When it comes to skin care, it’s important to know the truth. Because these types of myths do more harm than good for the skin. In this article, we will discuss 7 skin care myths that you should stop believing right now.

Myth 1:

Expensive skin care products are the best

Many of us think that the more expensive the skin care products are, the better they are.

But expensive skin care products may contain unwanted or potentially harmful ingredients.

Whereas expensive gummy products may be more effective and safe for the skin.

Myth 2:

Exfoliate the skin

We have heard many people say that to keep the skin healthy, we need to exfoliate the skin. Accordingly, some people scrub their skin daily,

It disrupts the skin’s protective barrier. In fact our skin naturally sheds its superficial keratinocytes once a month.

Hence, there is no need to exfoliate the skin. Maybe exfoliate every two weeks if needed.

Myth 3:

Organic skin care products are always safe

Organic skin care products can cause dermatitis in some people. Because such products contain botanicals and essential oils.

So, just because it comes from nature doesn’t mean it’s safe or non-toxic. At the same time, many synthetic products are well researched and clinically proven.

Such products can be used on the skin and are safe too.

Myth 4:

oil; Skin does not need moisturizer

In fact, people with oily skin may have more dehydrated skin.

That is, when the skin overproduces natural oil, the body becomes excessively dehydrated to compensate.

To avoid this, even if you have oily skin, it is important to use a daily moisturizer.

Myth 5:

All acid serums are harmful

We tend to think that chemicals are dangerous. But skin care acids like hyaluronic acid, glycolic acid, and salicylic acid can help reduce wrinkles and fine lines in the skin.

Also, they help to hydrate the skin along with unclogging the pores.. Proper use of these acids can prevent various skin problems.

Myth 6:

Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated

Drinking lots of water has nothing to do with our skin. Because the water we drink cannot be directly absorbed by the skin.

It hydrates our cells by being absorbed into the bloodstream and filtered by the kidneys.

However, if severely dehydrated, apply a daily moisturizer. It keeps the skin moisturized and softens the skin.

Myth 7:

Sunscreen is only needed when going out in the sun

Sunlight shines only when we go out in the sun, and we think that using sunscreen is enough only then.

But UV rays are present even when there is no sun. So, use sunscreen daily even at home.

It protects the skin from skin cancer and other skin problems caused by UV rays.