Abdominal pain that comes only at night.. One of these may be the cause.. See a doctor immediately..!

Experts say that stomach aches at night are usually caused by digestive problems. Eating late at night, going to bed after eating, drinking too much water can cause stomach ache at night. Abdominal pain may occur at night even if there are intestinal problems. You can know more about this here.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease!

Gastroesophageal reflux disease may be a cause of frequent abdominal pain at night. This condition is caused by over-consumption of foods that cause indigestion. These effects can also occur due to lack of physical activity. Frequent heartburn and feeling nauseous is a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease. It increases the intensity of abdominal pain while sleeping at night. Timely care and treatment is very important.

Stomach ache causing gas trouble!

Abdominal pain occurs when the digestive tract in our body does not work properly. Consuming gas rich foods can lead to abdominal pain at night. Some of the symptoms include frequent belching and a bloated stomach. There are chances of gas damage even when smoking. Gas bubbles like these are formed when bacteria in the gut break down the carbohydrates in the food we eat. This leads to abdominal pain at night. People with gas problems can use natural remedies like garlic in their daily diet.

Heartburn that can cause abdominal pain!

A major cause of heartburn is the acid in our stomach entering the esophagus. Due to this acidity, we suffer from abdominal pain, irritation, feeling like vomiting, nausea, gas problems, bloating, and sore throat. The most common cause of heartburn is alcohol consumption. Also eating late, going to sleep immediately after eating, being overweight, eating fried foods, eating spicy foods, drinking too much chocolate and coffee are the main causes of heartburn.

Ulcer is the cause of stomach pain!

Many of us today are more prone to ulcer disease. Because we don’t take meals at the right time due to current life situation, work environment etc. Doing this continuously can cause ulcers. This can be called stomach ulcers or intestinal ulcers. If you have stomach pain after eating, you can know that it may be due to an ulcer. Eating food at the right time and drinking enough water will help you get rid of these effects.

Stomach inflammation!

Gastritis refers to irritation or inflammation of the stomach lining. Vomiting, nausea, gas problems, irritability are common symptoms. If it is not detected and treated in time, there is a high risk of stomach ulcers turning into cancer. Immediate medical advice should be sought if blood is passed during stool or urination.

Gallstones causing abdominal pain!

Gallstones can also cause frequent stomach aches. Gallstones are formed when fatty deposits form in the gallbladder. Small crystals accumulate in the gallbladder and become gallstones. Abdominal pain occurs when the gallbladder is inflamed or infected. It is more likely to cause extremism if not treated on time.

Constipation is the cause of abdominal pain!

The food we eat is passed out as waste. Constipation is considered to be a problem if there is difficulty passing stool for four or five consecutive days. Accumulation of waste material in the colon causes abdominal pain and pressure. Constipation can be easily treated with healthy eating habits and medicines.

When should you see a doctor?

It is important to seek medical help if your stomach aches frequently while sleeping at night. If you have symptoms such as abdominal pain, fever, shortness of breath, excessive weight loss, swelling in the abdominal area for a long time, it is important to see a doctor for an examination. There is a high risk of causing serious conditions if not treated on time.