Samayam Tamil - Tamil News

These 4 breathing exercises are enough.. Lungs will be strong..!

Many of us may have breathing problems during the rainy season. Some people may face many problems like shortness of breath and fatigue. Sometimes...
Samayam Tamil - Tamil News

If we want to create a diabetes-free India, everyone should do these 6 things!…...

Diabetes occurs when the level of glucose in the blood is high. Today it is becoming a common disease affecting everyone irrespective of age....
Samayam Tamil - Tamil News

If the child often cries because of stomach pain, it may be one of...

Children cannot do any work properly when they have stomach ache. Without knowing the reason for this, we often resort to home remedies. First...
Samayam Tamil - Tamil News

If you have hepatitis, these 6 dangerous symptoms will appear… If you are careful,...

Liver is considered as another important organ in our body like heart and brain. The liver performs many functions in the body that are...
Samayam Tamil - Tamil News

If you have diabetes, joint pain is guaranteed.. How to manage it in old...

Having diabetes also increases the risk of bone and joint disorders. The challenges faced by the elderly are even greater during the rainy season....
Samayam Tamil - Tamil News

These are the 5 super foods that are loaded with hemoglobin-boosting vitamin B6!

Eggs are rich in vitamin B6We know that egg whites are packed. An egg contains about 8 grams of protein. It is also rich...
Samayam Tamil - Tamil News

Foods to be avoided by a pregnant woman if she is pregnant with PCOS..!

Foods rich in fiber!Blood pressure and cholesterol levels are controlled by consuming fiber-rich foods during pregnancy. Pregnant women with PCOS should include fiber-rich foods...
Samayam Tamil - Tamil News

Who will get bone cancer.. What are the symptoms.. Expert explains..!

What is bone cancer?Although cancers of the bone are relatively rare, their severity poses a serious health challenge due to their impact on mobility...
Samayam Tamil - Tamil News

What to do during artificial insemination.. and what not to do..?

Artificial Insemination Treatment IVF Treatment Dos and Don'ts After Embryo Transfer to Improve Your Chances of a Successful Pregnancy It is important to know...
Samayam Tamil - Tamil News

Difficulty in conceiving a child due to low quality of ovum.. Who is at...

Fertility can decline as women age. Conceiving becomes challenging and complicated especially after 35 years of age. The main reason for this is the...