Samayam Tamil - Tamil News

What causes genital inflammation.. inflammation.. irritation.. what are the treatments.?

Vaginal infection or inflammation Vaginitis causes itching, discharge, pain and sometimes foul odor. It is caused by bacteria, yeast infections and sexually transmitted infections....
Samayam Tamil - Tamil News

If the tapeworm is in the intestine, the symptoms will be like this.. Check...

One of the intestinal parasites or intestinal worms is the tapeworm. It is present in contaminated water, human or animal feces. If tapeworms are...
Samayam Tamil - Tamil News

Try These 10 Home Remedies for Early Pneumonia Virus Fever! Reduce serious symptoms!

Pneumonia symptomYou may experience the following symptoms when you are infected with the Pneumonia virus. They arepersistent cough, fever, Difficulty breathing, chest pain, Some kind of pressure in...
Sore Throat...Sore Throat..Cause..Symptoms..What are the Treatments?

Sore Throat…Sore Throat..Cause..Symptoms..What are the Treatments?

A sore throat is a bad thing. They can get worse during monsoons though they can come in all seasons. Due to this, the...
Young ladies please don't ignore these signs..!

Young ladies please don’t ignore these signs..!

PCOS is said to be a developmental disorder. Affecting one in ten women, this disease is caused by hormonal imbalance. Although there are no...
If the joints are strong, the bones will be strong.. Do these 5 things for that..!-oneindia news

If the joints are strong, the bones will be strong.. Do these 5 things...

A healthy weight strengthens the jointsArthritis is the worst symptom of joint pain. Obesity is said to be the main reason for this. As...
If your face is changed due to acne.. add this one product to your care.. get rid of acne and glow..!-oneindia news

If your face is changed due to acne.. add this one product to your...

Probiotics are important in skin care. Probiotics are bacteria and yeasts that live naturally in the body. But these are not bad bacteria. Beneficial...
SSI created a 3D system that mimics lung architecture-oneindia news

SSI created a 3D system that mimics lung architecture

In a significant advance for tuberculosis (TB) research, scientists at the Indian Institute of Science (IISC) have developed an innovative 3D hydrogel test system...
Diabetic foot sores can only come to them.. Doctor explained..!-oneindia news

Diabetic foot sores can only come to them.. Doctor explained..!

Diabetic patients should pay attention to all body parts. Especially for the feet. Because even without hands one can run alone. But having no...
Eating these 7 herbs on an empty stomach in the morning will reduce fatty liver disease.. Do you know how to take it?-oneindia news

Eating these 7 herbs on an empty stomach in the morning will reduce fatty...

It is normal for some fat to accumulate in the liver. If 5 to 10% of the liver's weight is fat it is called...