If the joints are strong, the bones will be strong.. Do these 5 things for that..!

A healthy weight strengthens the joints

Arthritis is the worst symptom of joint pain. Obesity is said to be the main reason for this. As body weight increases with height and age, it can put more stress on weight-bearing joints, including the back, knees, hips, and ankles.

A 2015 study found that weight gain increases the risk of knee osteoarthritis by 35%. So maintaining a healthy weight can reduce joint stiffness.

Regular exercise strengthens the joints

Exercise is a good treatment for joint problems. Regular exercise keeps the joints lubricated and healthy. Being active throughout the day can prevent joint pain stiffness and swelling. can reduce

Walking reduces stress on joints. Strength training keeps joints healthy. Neuromuscular training improves sensorimotor control and movement 5 days a week for 30 minutes and improves joint health.

Anti-inflammatory foods that strengthen joints

Chronic inflammation carries the risk of developing various conditions such as arthritis. But some foods can fight inflammation.

Greens, green leafy vegetables, fruits like strawberries, blueberries and blackberries, nuts like almonds, walnuts and chia seeds in a non-vegetarian diet like salmon are important anti-inflammatory foods. It protects the joints. Calcium, vitamin C, dairy products, vitamin C, vitamin E should also be included in the diet.

Adequate water to strengthen joints

Joint cartilage needs adequate water. Adequate water creates synovial fluid in joints. This gel protects the fluid from wear and tear. Drink up to 3 liters of water daily for optimal hydration. Hydration is as good for joint health as it is for physical health.

Stress can cause joint pain

Chronic stress can cause muscle tension. This can put pressure on the joints. Reducing stress can also control joint pain, just as diabetes can control high blood pressure symptoms. Meditation and breathing exercises can reduce stress and improve overall health. Joints will be strengthened.

It is important to avoid smoking to maintain joint health.