If you have sugar, take A1C test once in 6 months.. Normal level.. How to control.. Everything is detailed..!

What is HbA1C test?

The HbA1C test is a test that measures a person’s average blood glucose level over the past 3 months. It shows the average percentage of hemoglobin combined with sugar in the blood sample. It is an important test in diagnosing diabetes and determining the effectiveness of management.

A normal range for this test is below 5.
A pre-diabetes level is between 5.7 and 6.4
-.6.5 or higher for diabetic status.
Diabetics can prevent side effects if they are always within 7.

Foods that lower HbA1C?

Things to add

Foods high in fiber include fruits and vegetables, lean meats, poultry, low-fat dairy, whole grains, brown rice, whole grains. The food on the plate should be healthy but in moderation.

Things to avoid

Sweets, sugary drinks, white breads, potatoes, pasta, starchy, carbohydrate foods should be avoided.

What should be done in lifestyle to reduce HbA1C?

Things to do

The body needs to work. 150 minutes of physical exercise per week is essential. Do strength exercises for 75 minutes.
Even at home, household chores should be done actively.

Things to avoid

Do not sit in one place for a long time.
Avoid things that increase weight.

What are the drugs to lower HbA1C?

to be done

Take only prescribed medications when you have diabetes. Some people can control their diabetes and prediabetes through diet and exercise. But others need medication.
The exact dosage of the right medication varies from person to person. However, it is always better to consult a doctor.

Things to avoid

Do not stop the medication.
Do not change or reduce dosage of medication without doctor’s advice.

Reducing stress is good to lower HbA1C

to be done

Take care without stress.
Stress increases the level of fat and glucose in the body. This is
May increase HbA1C levels. Doing things like yoga can reduce stress.

Things to avoid

Stress-free care
Even if there is stress, steps should be taken to reduce it. In serious cases, you should not make decisions without consulting a doctor.

Need to monitor blood glucose levels to lower HbA1C?

If you have diabetes or prediabetes, check your blood glucose levels as prescribed by your doctor to prevent the risk. Regular follow-up with the doctor is necessary to determine if the current treatment is adequate. Although diabetes is a lifelong disease, some healthy changes can ensure good health and lead a healthy life.