If you have these 6 habits, what will prevent stomach cancer! Is there such a danger in this!

Indigestion or heartburn problem

It is normal to experience indigestion when the food you eat occasionally goes bad.

But if it has frequent indigestion and heartburn and acidity problem it can increase the risk of stomach cancer.

When this problem occurs, vomiting of blood, nausea, vomiting and difficulty in defecation occur.

Taking too much salt

Studies indicate that eating too much salt in the diet, consuming too much pickled foods, and consuming processed packet foods increase the risk of stomach cancer.

Smoking habit

Smoking is the cause of all types of cancer, not just stomach cancer.

Smoking weakens the immune system. Affects the lung tissue and then affects the stomach.

Sugary foods

Consuming refined sugary drinks and foods and sweets is extremely dangerous. It not only causes obesity but also cancer.

Especially carbonated drinks should not be touched at all. It can have very bad consequences.

High stress

We tend to think of stress as just a mental health issue. But the World Health Organization warns that stress is one of the most important factors for dangerous diseases like diabetes, obesity, cancer, and heart diseases.

So always try to be stress free as much as possible.

Nutritional deficiency

This may sound strange to you. But nutritional deficiencies can increase the risk of cancer.

When you don’t eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, your body doesn’t get enough vitamins and minerals. In addition, not getting enough fiber directly affects gut health. When it continues, it increases the risk of colon and stomach cancer.