If you want skin softness.. then use flax seed like this..!

What are flax seeds?

Flax seeds are rich in various nutrients required by our body. It is rich in fiber and omega 3 fatty acids which our body needs. Studies have found that flaxseed has many medicinal properties. It is also used in many skin care products. These flax seeds help to keep the skin moist, prevent skin damage and improve the texture of the skin.

Flax seed and honey mask

Made with flax seed and honey, this mask helps keep the skin glowing and healthy.

How to prepare?

Take one teaspoon of flax seeds to prepare this mask. Take one teaspoon of honey and curd. Grind the flax seeds well and mix it with honey and curd into a fine paste.


Apply this mixture on your skin twice a week, leave it on for at least ten to fifteen minutes and then wash it off. By doing this the skin will be shiny and healthy.

Flaxseed and Oatmeal Mask

Oats have many benefits that can improve skin health. Oats help remove dead skin cells and draw out dirt.

what to do?

Add 2 teaspoons of flax seed powder, 2 teaspoons of oats, and 2 teaspoons of honey. Mix both oats and honey with this powder to make a paste. Apply this on your face and leave it for 20 minutes. Then wash off with lukewarm water.


Do it twice a week. By doing this, the face will become shiny.

Flax seed and butter mask!

Flaxseed itself is shiny and smooth. Accordingly adding butter to it will make it more smooth. Butter is used in skin health. You’ve probably seen butter used in most skin care products.

what to do?

Take a teaspoon of butter. Add linseed powder and honey in equal quantity to this. Mix this mixture well to make a paste. Apply this on the skin and let it soak for 15 minutes. Then wash your face with clean water. It helps in improving skin health and keeps the skin glowing.


You can do this twice a week. You can see that the face is shiny and shimmering.

Flax seed and cucumber mask!

When the properties of cucumber are combined with flaxseed, its benefits multiply manifold. It not only improves skin health but also helps in keeping the skin soft.

what to do?

Take cucumber juice. Add linseed powder and curd as needed and mix it. This mixture should form a paste.

How to use

Apply this paste all over the face and massage it. After that leave it for 15 minutes. Then wash off with clean water.


Use this face mask twice a week. It helps to retain moisture in the skin.

Flax seed and turmeric face mask!

We know that turmeric has many benefits that can improve skin health. Turmeric is also often used in skin care products.

How to use

Add turmeric powder along with linseed powder and mix well. Add honey to this mixture. Mix it well and prepare a paste. Apply this paste on the face as a face mask and leave it for some time. Then wash off with cold water. This mask helps improve skin health.


You can use this face pack once a week.

Flaxseeds are generally non-allergenic. But ingestion by some individuals may cause allergic, skin irritation or digestive effects. It is important for them to do a patch test before using flaxseeds on the skin.