Coimbatore district is next to Chennai among the growing cities in Tamil Nadu.
Manchester, South India
Coimbatore district is next to Chennai among the growing cities in Tamil Nadu. Known as the Manchester of South India, Coimbatore district is home to various industries and shopping malls. Especially in Coimbatore, there are shopping malls like Pan Mall, Brozone Mall, Brookfields etc.
Lulu Mall
On the 16th of last year, Lulu Mall, known as hypermarket, was opened in Lakshmi Mills complex in the center of Coimbatore so that all kinds of products are available at one place. Especially on Avinasi Road, Ramanathapuram to Lakshmi Mills Stop Road, this Lulu Mall is huge to attract the road goers.
Lulu Mall attracts customers
Also, Lulu Mall front view is seen as a selfie point to attract people who can go on the road. As a result, people gathered earlier to see Lulu Complex. Recently, Lulu has been attracting more and more customers through its promotions.
crowd of people
Also, Lulu Mall is celebrating its first anniversary with an unprecedented number of products that can be found inside, so there is a huge crowd to buy the products. Apart from this, as schools are opening soon, people are flocking to Lulu Mall to buy things.
Real truth
With this Lulu Mall, the shopping markets and malls in Coimbatore are less crowded.
Billing order
Presently, once an hour in the name of surprise, the crowd is in a frenzy. Despite having more than 20 billing counters, people are afraid of queues for shopping and billing as the crowd is too much to cope with.