These 5 benefits can happen by giving cranberry to the baby.. Mothers, take care..!

Parents who want to focus on giving their baby fruits can consider adding cranberries. Cranberry has properties that help maintain dental health, manage obesity, and prevent urinary tract infections. Cranberry is available in fruit forms such as sour-flavored sauce, jelly, and juice. Cranberries are oval or pear-shaped and range in color from pink to very deep red. Here are the benefits of giving cranberry to baby.

When can you give cranberry to a baby?

These 5 benefits can happen by giving cranberry to the baby.. Mothers, take care..!-oneindia news

baby After breastfeeding Cranberries can be well chewed when solid foods are introduced after taking liquid foods. After 6 months the baby can get used to it. Avoid dried cranberries. It can cause suffocation in the baby. And it sticks to the teeth. Chewing can be difficult. Dry fruits can be given to the child after 2 years of age. However, encourage the addition of fresh fruit.

Cranberry Nutrients

These 5 benefits can happen by giving cranberry to the baby.. Mothers, take care..!-oneindia news

Cranberries are full of fiber. These help to regulate the digestion of food. It is also rich in vitamins A and C.

The manganese present in them helps in the digestion of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the baby. A daily addition of half a cup of cranberries can provide 10% of a child’s daily value of vitamin C. They are also rich in minerals like copper and potassium.

Cranberry helps in dental health

These 5 benefits can happen by giving cranberry to the baby.. Mothers, take care..!-oneindia news

Although children focus on brushing their teeth, tooth decay is unavoidable for many children. Cranberries can help treat tooth decay. Children can always be deficient when it comes to dental health. Because chocolate, sugary drinks, candies, sugary foods, carbonated drinks etc. are the foods that children consume the most. The first thing that gets affected is the tooth. Giving baby cranberries can help improve dental health.

Cranberry helps control body weight in children

These 5 benefits can happen by giving cranberry to the baby.. Mothers, take care..!-oneindia news

Obesity in children is on the rise. Due to unhealthy habits such as diet and lifestyle, children today are overweight in their growing years. Cranberry helps control this and manage body weight. Cranberries are high in fiber which reduces the risk of physical harm in children. It also aids in a healthy digestive system as it is rich in fiber.

Cranberries help prevent urinary tract infections in children

These 5 benefits can happen by giving cranberry to the baby.. Mothers, take care..!-oneindia news

Cranberry juice is recommended for adults to treat urinary tract infections. It also helps children. Children are at higher risk of urinary tract infections. They do not keep their private parts hygienically clean. This increases the risk of infection. Cranberry is beneficial for them. Cranberry helps flush out E-coli bacteria from the bladder. This prevents urinary tract infection.

Cranberry boosts the immune system

These 5 benefits can happen by giving cranberry to the baby.. Mothers, take care..!-oneindia news

Cranberry is an antioxidant-rich fruit. These contain antioxidant compounds like proanthocyanins, flavonoids and vitamin A. It reduces oxidative damage in the body. It also helps to strengthen the immune system in the body. The proanthocyanins in it kill the bacteria stuck inside the body.

Cranberry protects the heart of children

These 5 benefits can happen by giving cranberry to the baby.. Mothers, take care..!-oneindia news

Cranberry contains polyphenols. It reduces the risk of heart diseases. This is Blood pressure in the body will reduce Increases platelets in the body. Has anti-inflammatory properties. Adding cranberries early in the growing season can improve heart health.