These 5 reasons increase the blood sugar level in the morning.. Do you do this.. Check..!

When the foods we eat are digested, they are converted into sugar. These foods, converted into sugar, enter the bloodstream. It is used as energy in our body. Diabetes occurs when insulin production is low. Due to this, the blood sugar level increases and the organs like kidney, heart, eyes are more likely to be damaged. Let’s find out about the reasons why the blood sugar level rises so much in the morning

Stress problems that increase sugar levels!

Hormones are responsible for the rise in blood sugar levels in the morning. A hormone called cortisol is more active in the morning. As the level of the hormone cortisol increases, the level of sugar in the blood increases. Cortisol hormones help our body maintain energy. However, when the cortisol hormone is over-secreted, it has adverse effects. Experts say that these cortisol hormones are secreted in excess when you are stressed.

Insomnia that increases sugar levels!

Rest is very necessary to keep our body healthy due to daily work. We can get this rest from sleep. People suffering from diabetes are more likely to have high blood sugar levels in the morning if they do not sleep well. Lack of sleep causes various effects on the body. Our body needs eight hours of rest every day. Diabetic patients should go to sleep at the right time. Difficulty sleeping and sleep disturbances increase the chances of high blood sugar levels.

How to control blood sugar levels!

People with diabetes can control their blood sugar levels by eating at the right time. Avoid eating too many sweets. Diabetics should not skip breakfast. Since foods rich in fiber are easily digested, consuming more of them can keep diabetes under control.

Dehydration that increases blood sugar levels!

Hydration is essential for our body to stay healthy. When we do not supply our body with water and nutrients on a daily basis, various effects occur in our body. Therefore, lack of water is also one of the reasons why blood sugar levels rise in the morning in diabetic patients. It is necessary to drink at least 3 liters of water daily. Dehydration can be corrected by consuming liquid foods as well as water.


Regular exercisers are more likely to experience spikes in blood sugar when they stop suddenly. Being active leads to insulin secretion. Exercising can increase insulin secretion in our body. So skipping regular exercise can increase blood sugar levels in the morning. Make it mandatory to exercise daily. Even if you can’t go outside to exercise, you can try some exercises that you can do at home.