Want to lose weight somehow? Eat these 7 super foods that have zero calories! Rapid reduction!


Want to lose weight somehow?  Eat these 7 super foods that have zero calories!  Rapid reduction!-oneindia news

Strawberries are very high in antioxidants. It also contains vitamin C and fiber.

Calories are very low. You can even say that there are no calories at all. There are only 33 calories in 100 grams of strawberries. It is the best choice for weight loss.


Want to lose weight somehow?  Eat these 7 super foods that have zero calories!  Rapid reduction!-oneindia news

It is not just talk to say that if you eat an apple a day you should not go to the doctor. You can get nutrients from it.

Diabetics and those on a weight loss diet can eat an apple daily as it is very low in calories.

A 200 gram serving of apple has only 100 calories.


Want to lose weight somehow?  Eat these 7 super foods that have zero calories!  Rapid reduction!-oneindia news

cauliflower can be said to be a boon for those who want to lose weight and belly fat.

Eating just one whole cauliflower a day has fewer calories than you might think. But do not eat fried or fried.

There are only 25 calories in 100 grams of cauliflower.


Want to lose weight somehow?  Eat these 7 super foods that have zero calories!  Rapid reduction!-oneindia news

Let’s call kale as Parattai Karai in Tamil. This leafy green is rich in fiber like lettuce. Also high in iron.

It helps in losing weight tremendously. But the calories are very low. Do you know how many calories are in 100 grams of spinach? Just 50 calories.


Want to lose weight somehow?  Eat these 7 super foods that have zero calories!  Rapid reduction!-oneindia news

Cucumber is an all-season food, although it is available in abundance during the summer season.

Fruit with high water content. People who are trying to lose weight can eat cucumber liberally. It is good to have half a cup of cucumber in every three meals.

Its calories are very low. There are only 50 calories in 100 grams of cucumber.


Want to lose weight somehow?  Eat these 7 super foods that have zero calories!  Rapid reduction!-oneindia news

Many people do not like this fruit because of the smell of cabbage.. but it is a fruit that contains fibers, vitamins and many minerals.

Only when it is cooked and eaten will it smell. It is very tasty when eaten raw as a salad with salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice. Purple cabbage is even more delicious.

There are only 25 calories in 100 grams of cabbage.


Want to lose weight somehow?  Eat these 7 super foods that have zero calories!  Rapid reduction!-oneindia news

Greens are an excellent choice for weight loss. Consuming one cup of spinach daily will not only help you lose weight but also improve your overall health.

The excess of fiber, potassium, and iron in spinach helps to dissolve the bad fat stored in the body.

Controls appetite and helps in weight loss. Calories are very low. You can get 23 calories from 100 grams of spinach