Young ladies please don’t ignore these signs..!

PCOS is said to be a developmental disorder. Affecting one in ten women, this disease is caused by hormonal imbalance. Although there are no specific tests to diagnose the disease in its early stages, doctors first diagnose it based on certain symptoms. After that it is confirmed based on some tests. You can know more about this here.

What is PCOS?

PCOS is a condition that affects women’s ovaries. It causes water clots inside the uterus of women and creates many bubbles around the ovaries. These cause hormonal imbalances. As a result, women suffer from menstrual cycle problems, acne problems, excessive hair growth, and weight gain. PCOS can be diagnosed with this symptom.

What causes PCOS?

Lifestyle, diet and obesity are also blamed for PCOS. Other than these, no more precise causes have been identified. Sometimes women may also be affected by the disease due to family history. And due to excessive insulin secretion, hormonal imbalances occur. These are also said to be due.

What are the symptoms of PCOS?

Women may start experiencing symptoms during menstruation.

Irregular menstruation
Excessive bleeding
Acne problem
Body weight gain
Darkening of the skin
mental stress
Hair loss
Unwanted hair growth

etc. are said to be symptoms of PCOS. Don’t worry about PCOS if you have these symptoms. But if these symptoms persist it may be due to PCOS.

Changes in the skin!

Doctors say that people with PCOS are generally more prone to skin changes. This causes changes like excessive acne, hair growth on the skin. Hair growth is especially noticeable on the face, while women may have hair on the chin, arms and legs. Acne problem is caused due to excess testosterone and androgen secretion in the body.

Excessive hair loss!

Common symptoms of PCOS include hair loss, body weight loss due to excess testosterone secretion in the body. The main reason for this is malnutrition. Iron deficiency in particular causes excessive hair loss. Research has found that this is also due to hormonal imbalance. Rather than blaming hair care for hair loss, it is better to look for other symptoms of PCOS.

Irregular hair growth!

Some people have excessive hair vibrancy while others also suffer from excessive hair growth. It usually grows in places like our hands, lips, eyes and causes some kind of discomfort. A major symptom of PCOS is excessive hair growth in some areas that are not normal.


Sudden and persistent weight gain is a symptom of PCOS. Unlike normal weight gain, abnormal weight gain can occur. It is said to be due to hormonal imbalance. No matter how hard you try to lose weight, it just keeps on gaining. If you have any such symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor.

Abnormal menstrual cycles!

Irregular menstrual cycle is considered as one of the symptoms of PCOS. If you have periods at different intervals rather than at regular intervals each month, it may be a sign of PCOS. A single missed period is nothing to worry about. But if every month is procrastinated, lumps come out and discharge for three consecutive months, it is better to see a doctor and get proper tests done. These may affect fertility later in life.

Healthy lifestyle!

PCOS Once diagnosed with PCOS, it can be controlled by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Nutrient-rich foods, exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding smoking and alcohol habits can help lead a healthy lifestyle and help you recover from PCOS.