Do children squint while watching TV.. Parents alert..!

It cannot be denied that today’s lifestyle changes have led to poor eyesight in children. Many children face the problem of myopia. More than 20% of children have myopia problem. If it is not treated during childhood, it will get worse as you grow up. Although this can be treated with glasses, it is important for parents to be aware of myopia in children.

What is myopia?

Do children squint while watching TV.. Parents alert..!-oneindia news

Myopia. High Myopia, there are two types of degenerative myopia. Nearsightedness causes near objects to be seen clearly. But distant objects appear blurry. This is a phenomenon that occurs when the shape of the eye causes light rays to refract, or incorrectly bend, focusing images in front of the retina instead of the retina. It gradually develops and worsens from childhood to adulthood if left untreated.

What are the symptoms of myopia?

Do children squint while watching TV.. Parents alert..!-oneindia news

Myopia in children may appear between the ages of 9 and 10. This is often overlooked. But if children are unable to see distant objects, parents should take immediate notice.

  • Narrowing of eyes when looking at distant objects
  • Headache while reading
  • Feeling nauseous
  • Sitting close to watching gadgets like TV
  • Looking closer while reading while writing
  • Backward in education

It is important to consult an ophthalmologist to find out whether it is myopia when the child mentions any of the symptoms and the parents notice it.

Can eye development in children cause myopia?

Do children squint while watching TV.. Parents alert..!-oneindia news

Eyes usually change shape as they grow up to 20 years of age. Myopia in children progresses before this age due to normal development during childhood and adolescence. or worsens. It mostly occurs in school-age children or teenagers.

Prolonged use of gadgets can affect eyesight

Do children squint while watching TV.. Parents alert..!-oneindia news

Too much screen time can definitely affect your eyesight. Spending a long time on the screen like tablets, phone, TV, computer is increasing among children. The risk of nearsightedness among children increases due to long periods of stress on the eyes throughout the day.

Does children’s physical activity affect the eyes?

Do children squint while watching TV.. Parents alert..!-oneindia news

Lack of physical activity in children can have a negative effect. They also affect the eyes. Children who get less than two hours of physical activity per day are at risk of myopia. Exercise helps relax the eye muscles while increasing physical activity. The eyes will not be overworked. It can be said that the problem of myopia is increasing as children do not go out and play nowadays.

Can glasses increase myopia?

Do children squint while watching TV.. Parents alert..!-oneindia news

These myopia symptoms can worsen when wearing glasses all day. Children with moderate to severe myopia may be at higher risk. They will need glasses for distance vision. Continuing to wear glasses for low myopia problems can lead to poor vision over time.

Can a child born to myopic parents develop myopia?

Do children squint while watching TV.. Parents alert..!-oneindia news

If the parents have myopia, the child is more likely to have myopia. It can also be hereditary so do not ignore the symptoms and consult a doctor.

Eyesight steady Glass, lens, if necessary the doctor will prescribe surgery. It can also prevent eye damage from becoming serious as children grow.