How to keep house clean during monsoons?

When the monsoons begin to fall, a child’s joy appears in the mind. But at the same time the walls of the house becoming damp, rain water dripping from the window sills, doors that are creaking, and the smell of mold in the house can affect your happiness. To avoid this, just as we take care of our body during the rainy season, we should take care of our home as well. Here we have listed some of the steps to take to protect your home during monsoons.

De-humidifier to remove humidity in rooms

How to keep house clean during monsoons?-oneindia news

You can reduce the humidity in your room by installing a de-humidifier available in stores. Moisture in rooms encourages the growth of mold and dust mites. Have you noticed something strange appearing black on the wall during rainy season? That’s it Mildew. It can become toxic if left untreated. May also stain the wall.

To remove these, you can sprinkle bleaching powder on the affected areas. Or, spray a borax and vinegar solution and wipe.

Make sure the house is ventilated

How to keep house clean during monsoons?-oneindia news

Keep windows and doors open to ventilate the house. Do not store it when it rains. This allows stale, damp air trapped in the room to escape. In a tight room, when moist air is unable to escape, it can spread over wood, fabric, etc. that can attract moisture in the room. Moisture that gets on top of them can cause damage.

If you cannot open the windows and doors, run the exhaust fan installed in the kitchen. This will help to expel the damp air in the house.

Mandatory mosquito nets on windows and doors

How to keep house clean during monsoons?-oneindia news

Another thing to watch out for during monsoons is the sudden influx of small insects like mosquitoes. Also this humidity and stagnant water is a suitable environment for their breeding. To avoid it, mosquito nets should be installed on the windows of the house.

Termites etc. invade the house during rainy season. Make it a habit to apply varnish on wooden furniture in the house from time to time. Also, if you have a habit of increasing termites, bagworms etc. in your house during the season, call pest control experts and spray them with the appropriate pesticides.

Note the water connections

How to keep house clean during monsoons?-oneindia news

A sudden appearance of dampness on the wall during rainy season can tell you that there is a leak somewhere in the pipe line of your house that goes through the wall. If it is not detected and fixed immediately, your wall and water will be wasted. If it is the roof, it means that there is a leak in the floor above the roof. It also means that even if there is a leak in the floor of the room, the earth absorbs water and wicks away moisture. This generally requires a coating work called grouting.

Avoid drying clothes indoors during rainy season

How to keep house clean during monsoons?-oneindia news

The dampness of the washed clothes spreads through the room, walls and windows of the house.

To avoid it, dry clothes on the balcony of your house. Similarly, even if you have a habit of using carpets in your home, do not use them during rainy season. This is because carpets do not dry easily when wet. At the same time, mold grows in damp places.

Place moisture-absorbing plants indoors

How to keep house clean during monsoons?-oneindia news

Did you know that certain plants absorb moisture from the air? Houseplants such as peace lilies, English ivy and spider plants can help absorb moisture from the air. Placing them inside the room will absorb the moisture in the room due to rain. By using some simple tips like these, you can keep your house looking beautiful even in monsoons and enjoy the rains in peace.