This simple remedy will help if there is the male organ..!

What are the causes of penile itching?

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penis itching is embarrassing. It can be a sign of a sexually transmitted infection, but there are many other causes.

Penile itching can be on the entire penis. Sometimes it can be confined to one part of the body, such as the shaft of the penis or the tip of the penis.

Candidiasis- This is a thrush or fungal infection that causes swelling and itching of the tip of the penis. Sometimes there is thick white discharge.

Genital Warts – This is an STI. Appears on the shaft and tip of the penis. Causes itching.

Psoriasis – the skin becomes red and scaly. A red patch may appear on the stem and tip.

Scabies – When the insect enters the skin, it causes severe itching all over the body.

Contact dermatitis – These can develop when the skin comes into contact with something that causes an allergic reaction.

Genital herpes – This is an STI infection. Blisters on the penis, anus and thighs.

Eczema – Eczema can cause the skin to become dry, inflamed and itchy.

Balanitis – A condition affecting the tip of the penis. Foul odor from the penis causes pain.

Cold sensation in the penis

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When there is swelling, itching, itching and rashes on the penis, applying a clean cold compress on the affected area will reduce the irritation and itching. If you do this twice a day, gradually the itchiness will start to subside.

Coconut oil relieves penile itching

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Coconut oil can improve the symptoms of skin diseases. Harmless. Cures itching, itching, dermatitis etc. Before going to bed, wipe the penis clean and apply coconut oil. Applying coconut oil twice a day will gradually reduce the itchiness.

Substances that increase penile itching

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Avoid irritating soaps, lotions, and strong perfumes when the penis is itchy. Alternatively, adding bath salts to warm water in the shower can help reduce inflammation, according to a study.

Apple Cider Vinegar Relieves Penile Itching

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Some tips say that apple cider vinegar can help stop itching. Apply a soft cotton cloth soaked in alcohol and gently massage the affected area. However, it is also worth noting that sometimes these can increase irritation. Apple cider vinegar should be diluted.

Avoid sexual intercourse during penile itching irritation

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It is safe to avoid sexual activity when penile itching, irritation, swelling, or bumps are present. Likewise, keeping the penis clean and dry can help prevent the infection from spreading.

Alcohol can be used when the penis is itching

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A soft white cloth soaked in alcohol can be used to wipe the penis. A study has shown that the antimicrobial properties of alcohol can kill the bacteria that cause itching.

Even after doing all these, if the itching of the penis does not improve, if symptoms such as blisters, discharge, pain appear, then you should consult a doctor without delay. A biopsy may be needed to determine the cause of the rash.