If you do these 6 things, body odor will not come during menopause.. Ladies, take care..!

Increased sweating due to flash night sweats during menopause, decreased estrogen levels, body odor associated with increased bacterial diversity, and production of the chemical testosterone androstenol have all been linked to body odor during menopause. Let’s see what to do to get rid of body odor during menopause.

Staying cool at night can prevent body odor

If you do these 6 things, body odor will not come during menopause.. Ladies, take care..!-oneindia news

Stay cool at night to manage body odor. Although perimenopause can cause night sweats due to changing hormones, there are ways to reduce high body temperatures. Cool down before bed to reduce body heat Running a fan near the bed can help keep you cool. Nighttime baths can help regulate body temperature if perimenopause night sweats are a particularly disruptive problem.

Bathing twice will prevent body odor

If you do these 6 things, body odor will not come during menopause.. Ladies, take care..!-oneindia news

Physical hygiene should be given importance during menopause. Physical activity Bathing after physical exercise is helpful. It does not smell bad. The body may cool down quickly after hot flashes. And being hygienic can prevent body odor. Also, taking a bath before going to bed will improve the body’s freshness.

Use deodorant or antiperspirant on the body

If you do these 6 things, body odor will not come during menopause.. Ladies, take care..!-oneindia news

They recommend using antiperspirants or deodorants to prevent odor changes during menopause. It clogs the sweat glands and prevents the flow of sweat to the skin. where metabolism is done by bacteria. Deodorant has an antimicrobial effect that helps reduce bacteria. Both of these can help reduce sweat-related odor.

Clothes to wear during menopause

If you do these 6 things, body odor will not come during menopause.. Ladies, take care..!-oneindia news

During menopause, it is better to wear cotton clothes that improve skin breathing to keep you cool during the day and at night. Clothes made of thin natural materials such as cotton or linen are beneficial. Cotton will do well. It keeps moisture from the skin. At the same time wool and most synthetic fabrics should be avoided. Cotton clothes are good if you have night sweats and change clothes when it’s warm. Add heavy clothing when it’s cold.

Foods that control body odor

If you do these 6 things, body odor will not come during menopause.. Ladies, take care..!-oneindia news

Avoid foods that help control body odors related to perimenopause and menopause. The body should be hydrated. When the body does not have enough water, sweat smells more. Include foods rich in magnesium in your diet. It helps reduce stress and anxiety. Also induces better sleep.

Add spinach, pumpkin seeds, brown rice and almonds. It is safe to reduce foods that release compounds that affect body odor, such as garlic and onions.

Hygiene in the female organ is essential to prevent body odor

If you do these 6 things, body odor will not come during menopause.. Ladies, take care..!-oneindia news

Female genital hygiene Adding soaps and other fragrances to that will make the problem worse. Sprays can cause big problems. Recurring infections or increased bad breath can wipe out the good bacteria in the female genitalia. It is safe to use plain water or regular soaps to keep the genital area clean.