If you do these 8 things daily, no disease will come near..!

Physical health means proper diet, physical activity. A state that covers everything from mental health, sleep, and medical check-ups. You don’t have to think alone to get these. It is enough to do the daily things properly. Consistency with these daily goals can make a significant positive difference in health. All of these can be difficult to follow, but trying to incorporate some into your daily routine can be rewarding.

What to do when you get out of bed?

If you do these 8 things daily, no disease will come near..!-oneindia news

Improves body circulation when getting out of bed. Promotes relaxation. Helps set the tone for the day. Before waking up Foot joint Make a habit of bending and stretching the weed several times. Bend the knees and lift the legs. Bending the legs up and down and turning the shoulders sideways while the legs are elevated, bending the wrists up and down and opening and closing the arms are all simple exercises that keep the body parts relaxed.

Do physical activity

If you do these 8 things daily, no disease will come near..!-oneindia news

Part of the movement can be walking or alternatively a dance. May be walking while brushing teeth. Go up and down stairs. Sit up and stand up twice. Even moving the body like getting up and sitting down again is an exercise.

Notice the breath

If you do these 8 things daily, no disease will come near..!-oneindia news

Breathing exercise done in the morning fills the lungs with oxygen. This can keep you energized throughout the day. Breathing in through the right nostril and exhaling through the left nostril, inhaling through the left nostril and exhaling through the right nostril for five to 10 minutes can help reduce stress as well as physical health.

Oral health

If you do these 8 things daily, no disease will come near..!-oneindia news

Don’t just brush your teeth every day, focus on oral health. Flossing is essential for good oral health. Make sure you do this correctly. Flossing the teeth prevents the spread of germs between the cavities. Helps to clean teeth. Brushing and flossing are essential.

Using sunscreen is healthy

If you do these 8 things daily, no disease will come near..!-oneindia news

Using sunscreen is good for skin health. Sunscreen provides the best protection against skin-damaging rays. After washing your face in the morning, apply a sunscreen facial moisturizer with at least 30 SPF. It can also be used on the face, neck, ears and to cover fine spots.

It is important to start with a balanced diet

If you do these 8 things daily, no disease will come near..!-oneindia news

A healthy diet is essential to stay energized and healthy throughout the day. Balanced nutritious meals, fruits, vegetables, greens. Planned inclusion of legumes promotes good health.

You can also add nuts and seeds as a snack. Add unsalted nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts and peanuts. It helps curb cravings for processed foods. Nuts are high in calories and should be taken in moderation.

Stay hydrated

If you do these 8 things daily, no disease will come near..!-oneindia news

Hydration is very important for health. Hydration improves brain performance. Combines energy with other health benefits. A glass of water after waking up in the morning flushes out body and stomach waste. Drinking water after every meal will keep you hydrated. It is good to drink 8-12 glasses of water per day even if you are not thirsty. (Kidney patients should take water as per doctor’s prescription)

Sleep in health

If you do these 8 things daily, no disease will come near..!-oneindia news

Sleep is very important for health. The body repairs itself during sleep. Body parts get rest. Insomnia, staying awake during the night can increase fatigue the next day. Eating 2 hours before bed does not cause weight gain. It also prevents stomach upsets. Helps the body relax. Sleep can also reduce stress. Follow these tips to stay healthy throughout the day.